“Over here at supreme superfoods, we are dedicated to healing the collective through food medicine”
Makia Howard
Meet the founder of Supreme Superfoods, Makia Howard. Born in San Jose, ca. makia started to observe different health issues, running rapid through her family and decided to take a plant-based journey to heal her bloodline and everyone around her supreme. Super foods is 100% organic plant-based formulated to target our energetic bodies, as well as our physical through color, healing and immunity boosting, blood purifying, cellular healing ingredients!
Colors & Shakras
Colors can influence our moods, evoke powerful memories, and even affect our physical wellbeing.
Yet, there's an even deeper, more mystical relationship between the colors we see around us and the energy within us - our chakras. I've been both intrigued and inspired by this harmonious interplay between colors and chakras.
Lifelong seekers and traditional practitioners of Eastern spirituality understand that chakras, the seven primary energy centers within our bodies, each resonate with a specific color. These colors, when explored through our clothing and accessories, have the unique potential to not only reflect our current energetic state but also balance our energetic bodies.
Grounded Roots
“Grounded roots” is our juice formulated to balance, the root, chakra. The Root Chakra, known in Sanskrit as "Muladhara," is the first core chakra, located at the base of our spine. It's our ground, anchoring us to the earth and providing us with a sense of security and stability.
sacred gold
“Sacred gold” is our Sacral Chakra juice. The Sacral Chakra or "Svadhisthana," tucked just below our navel. This energetic hub governs our creativity, drive, and passion – it's where the zest for life resides within us.
Solar Sunshine
“Solar Sunshine” is our Solar Plexus juice. The Solar Plexus Chakra, "Manipura," is found in our abdominal area. It's our power center, channeling our self-confidence, independence, and personal power.
Love Me Green
“Love me green” is our heart chakra juice. At the center of our chest, near our heart, is The Heart Chakra or "Anahata." As you may imagine, this chakra brims with love, compassion, and emotional harmony.
True blue berries
“True Blue berries” is our throat chakra juice. At the center of our chest, near our heart, is The Heart Chakra or "Anahata." As you may imagine, this chakra brims with love, compassion, and emotional harmony.
Eye See Berries
“Eye See Berries” is our third eye chakra juice. The penultimate chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, or "Ajna," is positioned on our forehead, between the eyebrows. This mystical energy center is the nexus of our intuition and insight.
Elder wise tea
“Elder wise tea” is a tonic formulated to address the crown chakra. The seventh and final chakra, The Crown Chakra, known as "Sahasrara," is located at the crown of our head. It allows us to connect with a higher consciousness or universal energy, crowning our spiritual being.
How Do These Color Vibrations Communicate with our Shakras?
Think of each chakra as a spinning wheel of energy. As they rotate, they create a vibrant energy field that interacts with the world around us, including the colors that we come in contact with. When the color vibration matches that of a specific chakra, it's like striking the same note on two perfectly tuned instruments - they resonate, strengthening and harmonizing the energy of the chakra.
This is why certain colors make you feel energized, while others may make you feel calm or grounded. Just as each chakra governs different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, different colors have the power to enhance these aspects by resonating with the related chakra. But remember, this isn't a one-size-fits-all scenario. Everyone's chakra system is unique, and as you begin to explore the world of colors in relation to your chakras, you'll likely find that some colors resonate with you more than others, and that's just fine. The key is to notice how each color makes you feel and to choose your clothing accordingly.